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CIGRE Awards Medal




Name Country Year CIGRE function
Ja-Yoon KOO South Korea 2024

Former Chair of the Korean National Committee, active member of CIGRE Administrative Council and outstanding expert in "Insulated cables" and "Materials and emerging test techniques".

Mladen KEZUNOVIC United States 2024 Long-standing and outstanding expert in "Protection and automation", and "Power system operation and control".
Robert George STEPHEN South Africa 2022 Former CIGRE President, former Chair of Study Committee 22 "Overhead lines", former Chair of the South African National Committee, and Editor-in-chief of CIGRE Science & Engineering.
Mohamed RASHWAN Canada 2022 Former Chair of Study Committee B4 "DC systems and power electronics", former Chair of the Canadian National Committee, and member of the Steering Committee.
Richard BEVAN Australia 2021 Former CIGRE Treasurer and former Chair of the Australian National Committee.
Anjan BOSE United States 2021 Long-standing and outstanding expert in "Power systems operation and control".
Mark WALDRON United Kingdom 2020

Former Technical Council Chair, and former Chair of Study Committee A3 "High voltage equipment".

Konstantin PAPAILIOU Switzerland 2020 Former Chair of SC B2 "Overhead lines", Chief Editor of CSE.


2018 Former CIGRE President and former Chair of the Technical Committee.
Clark GELLINGS United States 2018 Former Chair of the United States National Committee, former Chair of the United States National Committee, and former member of the Steering Committee.
Narain G. HINGORANI United States 2016 Former Chair of SC 14 "HVDC links and AC power electronic equipment".
Prabha KUNDUR Canada 2014 Former Chair Canada NC, former Chair of SC C4 "System technical performance".
Marcio SZECHTMAN Brazil 2014 Former Chair of SC B4 "HVDC and Power Electronics".
Colin RAY United Kingdom 2012 Former Chair of SC C1 “System Development and Economics”.
André MERLIN France 2012 Former CIGRE President, former Chair of the Technical Committee and former Chair of the French National Committee.
Jean KOWAL France 2010 Former CIGRE Secretary General.
Heinz-Helmut SCHRAMM Germany 2010 Former Chair of SC 13 “Switching Equipment”.
Aldo BOLZA Italy 2008 Former CIGRE Technical Committee Chair and former Chair of Study Committee 21 "HV insulated cables".
Joao Guimaeraes Ferreira DA SILVA Brazil 2008 Former Chair Brazil NC, Chair RIAC.

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