Members > New eCIGRE release in 2023, part of CIGRE's enriched global access

#03 New eCIGRE release in 2023, part of CIGRE's enriched global access 


With our growing global footprint, CIGRE knows utilising
digital technologies, to keep our global community
connected is key.


With this in mind, we are excited to announce a new version of the online application members value the most, eCIGRE will go live in November 2023. This new multi-device responsive website, enriches membership access to over a million pages of power system expertise.


Members receive free access to eCIGRE. Collective members will also have new user management functionality.


The new version is just the beginning. In 2024, the second phase features a process to digitise content. This will produce unique benefits, such as automated translation of Technical Brochures and customisable user experiences, based on user profiles.



More information
View the new eCIGRE here
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