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CIGRE Science and Engineering now Scopus registered

27 February 2020, By Rob Stephen, President of CIGRE

CIGRE Science and Engineering the global magazine for the entire power delivery industry, is now SCOPUS registered. All CIGRE technical publications (peer reviewed) dedicated for end-to-end (E2E) power system expertise in CSE can now can be readily referenced, searched and recognized worldwide.


The previous editor-in-chief of CSE, Konstantin Papiliou, wrote. “The New Year has started in the best possible way for CIGRE Science & Engineering, as we have received the confirmation that our Journal has been accepted to be included in Scopus, the prestigious database for scientific publications. This means that papers published in our Journal will be indexed by Scopus, which is very important particularly for our authors coming from academic institutions.


The main points for the positive evaluation of our Journal by the Scopus team have been:


  • The journal consistently includes articles that are scientifically sound and relevant to an international academic or professional audience in this field;
  • In general, the content of the articles is consistent with the scope and aims of the journal.
  • The articles are generally well written and understandable;
  • Peer review type is clearly stated and is supported by appropriate reviewer guidelines. 


In addition it should be stated that for our Journal: 


  • Peer review is performed by the top specialists in their field worldwide. CIGRE has extremely wide global access to industry experts. As such reviewers can be rapidly appointed and reviews concluded;
  • Only the highest standard of papers is accepted;
  • There is no charge for publication;
  • CSE is disseminated globally and can be downloaded free giving authors maximum exposure;
  • Authors’ papers are reviewed and they are informed of the outcome within a three month period on their applications for publication.


 Another benefit is that the magazine is not purely academic. The papers comprise a range of academic and practical engineering topics. This includes updates of working group developments and experiences from engineers in the field. The readership as such is very wide allowing authors to receive the best possible feedback and comments. Academia can receive input and suggestions from engineers that are likely to use the theory being proposed.


I would urge academic institutions to aim at publishing papers in CSE which I would consider the leading global magazine in the power delivery industry.


The list of the publication sources indexed by SCOPUS is available on Elsevier website, check here.