B3 & A3 Colloquium

Tue 09 May 2023 to Fri 12 May 2023 / Colloquium
B3 & A3 Colloquium - Study Committees B3 & A3

B3 & A3 Colloquium


The CIGRE UK National Committee invites Study Committees B3 & A3 to hold a joint Colloquium in Birmingham between the 9th and 12th May 2023 at the IET Austin Court. This Colloquium brings together experts and key players in the domain of Transmission & Distribution Substations & Equipment from the electric power industry, including System Operators, Manufacturers, Engineers, Policy Makers, Regulators and Academics. The conference will be a unique forum to share exciting new research, to raise issues and awareness, to discuss future directions, to show innovative solutions and to network with leading professionals.


Call for papers

Papers are invited on any topics of interest falling within the following three preferential subjects shown in the boxes below.



Authors are invited to submit an abstract (up to 500 words) of the proposed paper via the Conf Tool by December 31, 2022.  A link to the ConfTool can be found at:  https://www.conftool.pro/cigre-b3a3-2023/.  The abstract should reference the related Study Committee domain (B3 or A3) and the preferential subject category (PS1, PS2 or PS3).  A Word document template for the abstract can be found below.  This can be uploaded to the tool.


Click here to download the Abstract Template


The submitted abstract will go through a peer review process.  You will receive a submission receipt and be notified of your abstract acceptance before January 31, 2023.  Upon acceptance, a paper limited to 6 to 8 pages in CIGRE format should be submitted for final consideration on or before March 31, 2023.  You will then be asked to present your paper in person at the Colloquium (PowerPoint format using the CIGRE template).

A flyer for the call for papers can be download by clicking on the following link: Colloquium Call for Papers flyer


More information:




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